Esplanade, Kirkcaldy Coastal Assessment


Esplanade, Kirkcaldy Coastal Assessment Coastal Erosion, Flood Risk and Wave Overtopping Assessment Client: Grant Road Properties Ltd Date: 2020 This project involved a coastal erosion assessment and a wave overtopping assessment for part of the Kirkcaldy coastline, south of the Tiel Burn. The coastal erosion assessment included a walkover geomorphology survey of the site and [...]

Newton Stewart Flood Study


Newton Stewart Flood Study Flood Risk Assessment Client: Dumfries and Galloway Council Date: 2015-2019 Following extensive flooding in November 2012 and 2015, Kaya Consulting Ltd. was commissioned by Dumfries and Galloway Council (DGC) to undertake a detailed flood study for the towns of Newton Stewart and Minnigaff, focusing on flooding risk to urban areas from [...]

Kendoon to Tongland Reinforcement (KTR) Project


Kendoon to Tongland Reinforcement (KTR) Project Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Client: SP Energy Networks (through LUC) Date: 2017-2020 The Kendoon to Tongland 132kV Reinforcement (KTR) Project involves replacing the 132kV electricity transmission network between Kendoon and Tongland in Dumfries and Galloway, installation of around 44km of new lines and the removal of existing lines. Kaya [...]

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