Case Studies

Flood Modelling and Hydraulic Design

Kaya Consulting are experienced in the application of 1-D, 2-D and 3-D mathematical models. We have experience in the use of all major commercial packages (e.g., Flood Modeller, DHI, HEC-RAS, Delft) and in the development of numerical codes.

  • Flood risk assessments (river, coastal and pluvial)
  • Application and development of 1-D, 2-D and 3-D hydrodynamic, sediment transport, water quality and wave models.
  • Experience of the use of all major commercial software (e.g., HECRAS, MIKE, Flood Modeller, Delft3D, Flowfield, TELEMAC2D, CE-QUAL-W2) and the development of bespoke software
  • Modelling of rivers, lakes, estuaries, coastal regions and offshore

Kaya Consulting Limited can offer advice on hydraulic design for:

  • Channel and floodplain design
  • Hydraulic design for structures (e.g., weirs, culverts, bridges)