Project Description
Kendoon to Tongland Reinforcement (KTR) Project
Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)
Client: SP Energy Networks (through LUC)
Date: 2017-2020
The Kendoon to Tongland 132kV Reinforcement (KTR) Project involves replacing the 132kV electricity transmission network between Kendoon and Tongland in Dumfries and Galloway, installation of around 44km of new lines and the removal of existing lines.
Kaya Consulting were responsible for all aspects of the hydrology and water environmental impact assessment and contributed to the strategic routing stage, detailed routing, field work, scoping assessment, consultation, and environmental impact assessment (EIA).
The EIA includes appendices which covered a detailed watercourse crossing assessment, private water supply assessment, drainage assessment, with initial recommendations for SuDS (Sustainable Drainage Systems), and a ground water dependent terrestrial ecosystem (GWDTE) assessment.
The KTR Project is located mainly within the Water of Ken/River Dee catchment. The study area for the assessment of effects on hydrology comprises the KTR Project infrastructure and 100m and 250m buffer zones from infrastructure and the watercourses and catchments located upstream and downstream. The KTR Project passes over several major tributaries of the Water of Ken/River Dee including the Water of Deugh, the Coom Burn, Polharrow Burn and Kenick Burn, as well as numerous other smaller watercourses.
The internationally designated Loch Ken and River Dee Marshes SPA (and Ramsar Site) is located within the Water of Ken/River Dee catchment, downstream of the KTR Project infrastructure. The site is also designated as a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) and the catchment supports important salmon and trout populations.
Field surveys were undertaken along the length of the proposed KTR Project to obtain baseline information and inform constraints mapping for location of infrastructure. The main aims of the field survey were to:
- identify, photograph and measure all existing and proposed watercourse crossings;
- identify and map other water features such as wetlands and springs;
- gain an overview and understanding of areas identified as floodplain within the SEPA Flood Maps;
- ground truth identified private water supplies to see if supplies exist and to identify the type of supply; and
- provide general overview of landscape, topography and land cover of importance to hydrology.
The sensitivity of hydrological features was determined through consideration of their physical attributes, processes affecting them (e.g., flood risk) and, in the case of water bodies, water quality. The magnitude of change was assessed based on a number of criteria informed by professional judgement and experience of other similar assessments.
The predicted significance of the effect was determined through a standard method of assessment based on professional judgement, considering both sensitivity of receptor and magnitude of change. Major and moderate effects are considered significant in the context of the EIA Regulations.
The assessment was undertaken assuming ’embedded mitigation’ relating to best practice and industry standard measures for construction of projects of this nature is in place and is effective e.g., treatment and attenuation of runoff from construction working areas to ensure that this does not wash into watercourses and cause pollution downstream. Where necessary, further ‘additional mitigation’ measures were also identified.
Consultation was undertaken with D&GC Flood Risk Management Team and Environmental Health Officer, SEPA and the ECU throughout the assessment.